Saturday, May 15, 2010

...Or is it?

William Shakespeare once said, "The very substance of the ambitious is the shadow of a dream."
I don't really know at what point I stopped striving for the best possible version of myself, but a few days ago a seemingly harmless drunken conversation turned into the best motivational speech I've ever gotten.
You should never stop wanting more. No one's been on their death bed wishing they'd had less love, less money, less success...
What's wrong with wanting more? There's a difference between always bettering one's self, and being gluttoness and greedy. If what you reach for is greatness, how can it be wrong?
I've never been one to want to sit idle and watch the world around me go out and get their's...
I've always been artistic, and driven, with a love and passion for learning and for the world. I wish I could figure out at what point I decided to take off my rose colored glasses. I know that reality is sometimes harsh, and scary, and brutally overwhelming...but isn't it better than the alternative?

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