Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm probably going to sleep in an ice water bath.

Don't get me wrong...I love summer. Summer to me is a renewal of life, relaxation, BBQ's, camping, beer gardens, fireworks, and just tons of fun. But, the not so fun part is when you don't have any escape from the humid Chicago heat. Tom (my dad) is essentially against air conditioning I guess unless it's over 100 degrees and the news anchors issue heat advisories.
I'd sit in my car, but my fault...I never got my compressor fixed so my A/C in the truck doesn't work either. FAIL. I won't be able to get it fixed for another month because I'm fucking broke..but only for a short while longer. Thankfully.

If it didn't disrupt my sleep, I wouldn't even mind. Except that it does, I just can't get comfortable and never fully go into a deep sleep. Which, fucking sucks. At least my brother's room is in the basement which is always at least 10 or more degrees cooler than the rest of the house. So, he's got that going for him.

On another note, life is good =) Good job, and a great boy...I'm all set right now.

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