Thursday, March 10, 2011

I think it's kinda funny

Things can change so quickly. Sometimes, within the blink of an eye. Sometimes, it's hard to even pinpoint the exact moment things changed. Sometimes, it doesn't matter because whatever changed is for the better and has pasted your face with a permanent smile, and all you can think about is rainbows, butterflies, and baskets of kittens. There's no reason to search and sift through your memories to find that split millisecond in time where your universe shifted, because the change has made you blissfully, and ridiculously happy. It's then that change is praised, and accepted, rather than cursed upon. Like when whatever changes in your life leaves you devastated, and huddled in the corner. Lost for words, and scouring through your brain to try and discover what happened and when to make things the way they have become. Hours spent lying awake, wishing...hoping for an answer that sometimes never comes.

It's funny, how volatile our relationship is with change. It is a necessary evil in this world though...because sometimes, things need to change.


  1. Really like your way of thinking.
    Hope life is treating you well :)

  2. Thank you...I've neglected my blog and will try to think more often :)
