Wednesday, August 25, 2010

True or false, it may be she's still out to get me.

I know that I can be a hard person to handle. I think this is mostly because I am extremely outspoken, and don't really take bullshit. My father claims that I'm ignorant, but really...I'm not.
My mother tells me I need to take the bullshit comments people throw at me.
I strongly disagree with both of them. In certain situations, I am aware I will be required to deal with a certain amount of bullshit, especially from work. but that's life...I get that parents. I shouldn't have to have a family filled with people that are unsupportive and judgemental. Fuck off.
So, I've come up with a plan of action. As much as I'd like to continue to not pay rent...and as lonely as living alone is...the goal is just that. Getting the fuck out of dodge. I simply value my sanity more than living rent free. So I'll begin with paying off my car. Double payments should take care of that within several months. Pay off some outstanding bills to get that shit off my credit report...and then start buying shit that I will use to furnish my future dumpy apartment while stashing some cash as well.

I honestly and truly do not like being angry. I'm a pretty bubbly person...I am a chatterbox, and love to laugh. Sticking me in this tense, stressful environment is like leaving a flower in the dark....ripping wings off a's cruel. I gotta get out.

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