Saturday, June 5, 2010

Toxic America

So I don't really wanna bug out all you expectant mothers or those trying to have kids.....but apparently, babies are born with over 200 chemicals in there bodies. They've done research on cord blood from 10 babies born over the last year. Most commonly was a chemical called BPA, bisphenol. It is used in making plastics. Other chemicals found include TBBPA (used in making flame retardants), Galoxolide and Tonalide used in common cosmetics and detergents, and PFBA or C4 used in Teflon.

As far as the BPA is concerned...on top of the amount they are already born with in their systems, they are just going to ingest more from drinking from bottles, and sucking on pacifiers.

How can we avoid this?'s difficult to say. Everything is chemicals. Trace amounts of chemicals, which may or may not lead to cancer...of course they never have enough proof or enough conclusive date to 100% say whether or not we are at risk, cannot be avoided.

Alot of this falls on the EPA. Who's job it is to test chemicals and make sure they are safe. Although the previous law on chemicals was grandfathered in and included 60,000 chemicals (they're up to 80,000 now). So maybe it's time for them to go back and recheck some of them. And this may take some time. What they may need is for companies wanting to bring in new chemicals pay for the EPA to test the chemicals they are wanting to use. People will be more apt to buy products tested and approved by the EPA I think.

Another problem that they're coming up with now is finding cadmium in many different children's jewlery. For more information on cadmium, just click the link I've included. These products are being shipped in from China.

As far as food...buying organic is always going to your best bet and regardless always wash your produce. Try and buy meats with the least amount of antibiotics and growth hormones.

When it comes to cookware...cast iron and stainless steal can replace your Teflon coated non stick pots and pans. For leftovers, rather than saving them in reusable plastic containers, use glass containers.

Worried about the air in your home? A house plant can eliminate up to 90% of the chemicals in the air.

I don't want to dwell too much on these sorts of things, because it'll make you crazy and insane, but when you can...avoid some of these things if it's feasible.


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